
NEW IN 2025!

In 2025, Hudson Kiwanis will be fielding its first recreational fast pitch softball program for kids 5-10 years old. The program will include individual skill instruction, be focused on team performance and begin the introduction of softball rules and strategies.

Depending on the number of registrations, our plan is to have a three level program including 6U, 8U and 10U teams.

Program Levels:

  • 6U T-Ball
  • 8U Coach Pitch
  • 10U Player Pitch

Most games will be played in Hudson with the possibility of a few games with other recreation teams in neighboring towns. All players and coaches will participate under the Kiwanis softball rules and regulations.

Registration begins 2/1/2025 on the Kiwanis website. Team draft will be 4/1/2025 with play starting May 27th.

Please contact Jim Orwig or Dave Hartman if you have questions.


Jim Orwig or Dave Hartman

Contact if you have questions

Determine Playing Age

You can check for softball age here: Age Calculator

Enter on the Calculator Page:

  • Date of Birth
  • Age at the Date of (4/30/2025)
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